Sunday, March 20, 2011

Celebrating: One Hundred Candles

No, it’s not about years. It’s about issues. This is the one-hundredth issue of Reflections. Two years ago, I was journaling every day, and regularly swapping insights with friends. Then, one day I felt an impulse to expand the circle of sharing. Though I enjoyed the prospect of wider dialog, I was daunted by the commitment to writing every week.

One hundred weeks later, I look back with gratitude and delight. I find it rewarding to write for you on a regular schedule. The weekly commitment challenges me to reflect continually, seeking ways of responding ever more creatively to Life. I find it even more rewarding when you respond that Reflections resonates for you. Each exchange deepens and enriches the experiences we share.

Thanks for coming along. Thanks in particular for writing back in direct reply, on Blogspot, or on Facebook. I am celebrating 100 by declaring this a “light” week for my writing. It’s your turn. I welcome your ideas on where to travel next, and ask for your help in enlarging the circle during the next 100 weeks.

Until the next time, go well.


1 comment:

Find Your Harmony said...

CONGRATULATIONS! I just passed my 100th blog post too. It has been wonderful to share the journey with you.

I love your insights, your wisdom, and your topics of discussion. I would love to see you continue to write about the challenges of overcoming limiting beliefs. All your topics are wonderful, so keep them coming!
Here's to many many more!