Sunday, January 3, 2010

2010: Build Your Own Metaphor

I started writing this reflection on New Year’s morning. The fireplace was warming the room, and the date on the calendar was warming my soul. I love beginnings, so I was excited by the possibilities embodied in a new year. Beginning a new decade is icing on the cake….

…but now it is January 2. I am still excited by starting fresh, but am having trouble writing about it. I have tried a bunch of times. Each time I find it more difficult to select just one theme to develop in depth. As the clock ticks toward posting time, I have decided to take a different approach to Reflections this week. I will toss the ball into your court, and suggest that you build a metaphor that has meaning for you and that generates personal energy from your inner fires. Begin with one of the following, or start from scratch:

+The first day of school (or vacation)
+Fresh tracks in deep powder
+The starting line
+A blank canvas (or page)
+The opening prayer
+A baby, puppy, or kitten
+The crest of a wave
+A germinating seed
+The lip of a waterfall

The media are awash in articles about the New Year. Many look back at 2009 and summarize what was. Fewer look forward with hope toward what can become. Let’s look ahead, tapping the energy of fresh beginnings to chart a healthy and happy course to the future. Paint a picture on the blank canvas. Write a poem on the blank page. Ride the crest of the wave, or take exuberant turns in fresh powder. The power is there to be tapped and guided wherever you want it to go. Let's share the ride.

What fresh-start imagery works best for you?

Until the next time, go well.



Jen Slayden said...

All GREAT metaphors! Thanks Pam, what a great way to create our own visions!

Anonymous said...

I was thinking of being a larvae and waking up to find out I am an adult.. but what species am I? Experiencing the same old world as a new creature.

Which reminds me of what J.B.S. Haldane said when
some theologians asked him what could be inferred about the mind of the Creator from the works of His Creation: "An inordinate fondness for beetles."

Anonymous said...

Because I try to begin each day at my studio table and east window, I think I'll use the window as a metaphor for this year. The window is (or provides)the act of looking out on what each day has to offer, and accepting what I see...I could retain that peace through the day, saying "this is the day the Lord has made. Let me rejoice and be thankful for it." I am a sky watcher.

Anonymous said...

There is no disputing about tastes.


Anonymous said...

Good is good, but better carries it.
